Kelime-i tevhid, ilahi bir dil ve "kün" "ol" emrinin ruhuna has bir hitaptır. Cenab-ı Hak'kın emrinden önce kendisinde idi. Bilinmeyen gizli varlıktı. Buna gaybi mutlak ya da yalnız vücut da denir. Bu durumda Cenab-ı Hak "la ilahe illallah" hitabı ile varlığını ve birliğini ortaya koymuş.
"Muhammed'ün Resulullah" demekle de anlam ve maksadı beyan edilmiştir.
Word of Oneness /Tawhid is a divine language and the private salutation to the soul of the order of ‘Kun’ ‘Be’. Before the order of Allah the Almighty, word of tawhid was within Allah. It was a hidden presence. It is also called Absolute Ghaib or only essence. In here, Allah the Almighty revealed His existence and Oneness with the salutation of ‘la ilahe illallah’ (There is no God but Allah).
Its meaning and intention is declared through ‘Muhammed un Resullah’ (Muhammad is His servant and His Messenger).