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Cümlesi Alllah’ın zatından ibaret olan, Besmelenin, cevheri, Allah, Rahman, Rahim tecellileridir. Bu tecelli Besmelenin esrarıdır. Bu sır ayrıca İNSAN’ı KAMİL’i simgeler. Bu durumda insanın kendisini bu yolla tanıması gerekir. ‘’Levlake Lema ene Levlaye Lema ente’’. Ey Ademoğlu, ben olmasaydım, sen olmazdın, sen olmasaydın ben olmazdım. Burada anlaşılan durum, güç ve kuvvet sahibi Allah, insanı kendi gücü ve kuvvetiyle ayakta tutup, ef’ali, sıfatı ve zatının tecellisini kuldan zuhur aleminde gösteriyor. Kul bir alet olmasaydı, görüntüsünü o aletle gösteriyor. Kulun aletliği olmasaydı yaradan gizlide olacakdı.


The essence of Basmala that consists of wholly the ZAT (ALLAH), is the revealing (appearing) of Allah (God), Rahman (the compassionate) , Rahim (merciful). (The essence of Allah consists all of them)


This revealing is the secret of Basmala. This secret also refer the perfect human being (İnsan-ı Kamil). In this case, the person must recognize himself in this way.

‘’Levlake Lema ene Levlaye Lema ente’’. ‘Hey, Son of Adam (human race), if it weren't for me, you wouldn't be here, if it weren't for you I wouldn't be here’.

The case it seems here, Allah, as the owner of power and force, keep human alive with his own power and strenght and revealing of his act, attribution and essence in the visible (apparent) world by the human.


He demonstrates his existence (presence) with this KUL (creature). The Creator would have been hidden if the  creature had not been used as an instrument.


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